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Why Colombia is Safe and Famous for Plastic Surgery 2022


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Plastic Surgery Procedures

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Why Colombia is safe and Famous for Plastic Surgery?

Choose Board Certified Plastic Surgeons

6 Things you should know before a Plastic Surgery

Cosmetic Surgeries are on the rise. In 2020, 2 million women underwent cosmetic surgery and 10.4 million women received minimally invasive cosmetic procedures, according to the 2020 Plastic Surgery Statistics Report by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

1. Procedures: Certain procedures won’t give you immediate results. As per THT Board Certified Plastic Surgeons it’s normal to have more swelling the next day, and you’ll see your permanent results settle in about a week’s time.

2. Get to know your Specialist: Before you decide on a surgeon, you should do enough research on the credentials and his/her area of skill. Going for a Rhinoplasty surgery by a Tummy Tuck expert won’t be a good idea. Medical history should also be discussed with the doctor you are consulting as it will help in conducting other medical procedures.

3. Be Sure to Ask a Lot of Questions. You only have one opportunity. Of course, some procedures can be tweaked later, but its better to get it right the first time. “Ask questions first because you might not be able to ask them later that’s why THT has built a platform where patients can set up Virtual Consultations directly with the Board Certified Plastic Surgeons. And understand that you are beautiful, and you look beautiful just the way you are now.”

4. Have No Shame. It might seem natural to want to keep your procedure a secret, but why should you? “If you look good, who cares? Why is it so wrong to say, ‘I want to look better at my age’? We’re all going to get old.” The natural urge in women may prompt you to get the procedure done by a woman only. And the reason to support this phenomenon is that when a guy instead of a woman examines your body and evaluates it, there is bound to be a loss of confidence or communication level between the two opposite genders. You will agree, however, that women are not only their worst critics but also tend to have a different perspective when seeing the things happening around us. We are in agreement on one point and that is, like the women go into every possible minute detail of the procedure, our Board Certified Plastic Surgeons are also not behind.

5. Healthy Diet: Antibiotics sometimes cause stomach problems. A proper diet should be followed, there should be adequate consumption of fruits, toned milk and light food. Liquid diet is always advised by the surgeons during facial surgeries. Refrain from drinking and smoking till the operated area is fully recovered. Avoid smoking and consumption of alcohol even before the surgery takes place.

6. Avoid Medicines and Supplements: Medications that inhibit blood clotting should be avoided. The patient must have a strong immune system before the start of the surgical procedure. Taking dietary supplements without doctor’s approval can have harmful effects.


THT | TheHealthyTreatments